Christmas Puppy
It's the day before Christmas
And all through the house
The puppy is squeaking
An old rubber mouse.
The wreath which had merrily
Hung on the door
Is scattered in pieces
All over the floor.
The stockings that hung
In a neat little row
Now boast a hole in
Each one of the toes.
The tree was subjected
To bright-eyed whims,
And now, although splendid,
It's missing some limbs.
I catch him and hold him.
"Be good", I insist.
He licks me, then runs off
To see what he's missed.
And now as I watch him
The thought comes to me,
That his is the spirit
That Christmas should be.
Should children and puppies
Yet show us the way,
And teach us the joy
That should come with this day?
Could they bring the message
That's written above,
And tell us that, most of all
Christmas is love.
.. author unknown
Christmas promises to be filled with lots
of laughs this year as we watch the antics
of my new little grand-puppy, Reggie.
There is no way he would have sat still with
a Santa hat so I had to improvise :)
Wishing you all a beautiful holiday season!